Friday, May 29, 2015

Biophotonics Faculty Candidate Seminar: "Analysis of Protein Fibers Using Nonlinear Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy" by Dr. Patrick Koelsch 6.5.15/11:00am-12:00pm/ CREOL RM 102

Seminar: "Analysis of Protein Fibers Using Nonlinear Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy" by Dr. Patrick Koelsch
Friday, June 5, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
CREOL Room 102

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Patrick Koelsch
Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle.

Protein fibers are a common motif in nature, often essential for the structural integrity of living entities. From a biomedical standpoint, protein fibers occur in the context of many disease related phenomena such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, or muscular dystrophy - to name a few. This lecture will describe the application of nonlinear optical microscopy and spectroscopy to study the structure of protein fibers, dynamics at early stages of fibril formation, and interaction of protein fibers with other molecules. Examples will include second-harmonic generation (SHG) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) probing schemes that we designed, developed and applied to analyze bone structure, muscle fibers, amyloid fibers in bacterial biofilms, and amyloid structures that occur in Alzheimer’s disease.

Professor Koelsch is a faculty member in the Bioengineering Department at the University of Washington. He received his doctoral degree in 2005 while working with Professor Helmuth Mohwald at the Max-Planck-Institute of Colloid and Interface Science. His doctoral research focused on ion specific effects and static and dynamic properties of soluble surfactants at the air/water interface. After a short postdoctoral phase at the University of Leipzig, Professor Koelsch joined the faculty in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Heidelberg where he became an Associate Professor in 2010 (“Privatdozent”). In 2008, Dr. Koelsch was additionally appointed as a research group leader at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology before moving to Seattle in 2011. His laboratory is broadly interested in the behavior of molecules at interfaces with a focus on developing and applying nonlinear optical spectroscopy and imaging techniques.

For additional information:
Dr. Aristide Dogariu


Thursday, May 28, 2015

APOMA Student Travel Grants and Best Poster Cash Awards

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

TOMORROW! Biophotonics Faculty Candidate Seminar: "Stimulated Raman: Building Better Biosensors, Making Medical Discoveries, and Understanding Fundamental Biophysics" by Dr. Ryan M. Gelfand 5.28.15/11:00am-12:00pm/ CREOL RM 102

Seminar: "Stimulated Raman: Building Better Biosensors, Making Medical Discoveries, and Understanding Fundamental Biophysics" by Dr. Ryan M. Gelfand
Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
CREOL Room 102

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Dr. Ryan M. Gelfand 

For over a century optical spectroscopy has been an integral tool for determining the structure, composition, and function of biological molecules. When small molecules bind together to form macromolecules the intermolecular resonances are found between 0.3 to 10 THz: the terahertz gap. Current sources and detectors at these frequencies are impractical for large scale, fast, sensitive and inexpensive molecular studies. By using the beat frequency between two laser sources one can perform high resolution spectroscopy across a very large frequency range (including the THz regime) while still using readily available visible and NIR optical components. This frequency difference creates a strong electrostriction force that excites Raman active vibrational modes. Once excited, the increased motion of the particle influences the optical signal which can be recorded by using a lock-in amplifier. To increase the efficiency and sensitivity of this technique it is coupled to a single nanoparticle optical aperture trap. Within this trap one can study the structure of proteins without tethers and in their native environment; comparing how different therapies impact the behavior of these important biological molecules. Development of this technique will enable researchers to gain insight into both protein-protein and protein-small molecule interactions leading to advances in disease treatments, potentially for neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, because the setups are versatile they can be used to study other nanoparticle systems as well (for example: semiconductors, carbon materials, florescent molecules, etc).
These stimulated Raman methods are not only simply limited to optical traps. By using them in conjunction with an AFM, this spectroscopic functionality can be added to force microscopy measurements. By looking at the effect of an excited particle near a plasmonic hotspot fabricated onto the facet of one of the lasers, sensitive and selective optical detection can be achieved by looking at the change in differential resistance of the laser. This would eliminate the need for bulky, cooled photodetectors and enable compact, portable, and potentially disposable biosensor devices. Two photon stimulated Raman techniques will allow us to more easily access the THz region, add extra spectroscopic functionality to already existing methods, and provide researchers with a new tool to study fundamental sciences.

Dr. Ryan M. Gelfand is an NSF funded postdoctoral researcher in electrical engineering at the University of Victoria with Prof. Reuven Gordon and Northwestern University. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering (solid state and photonics division) from Northwestern with Prof. Hooman Mohseni, and his B.S. in physics from Carnegie Mellon. Between those degrees he worked as a pharmaceutical chemist for Abbot Labs in Chicago. Ryan was awarded an NSF Fellowship in Biology in 2013 for a program entitled: Intersections of Biology and Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering. His research interests and experiences have always been at the intersection between the physical sciences and biology.

For additional information:
Dr. Aristide Dogariu


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Biophotonics Faculty Candidate Seminar: "Stimulated Raman: Building Better Biosensors, Making Medical Discoveries, and Understanding Fundamental Biophysics" by Dr. Ryan M. Gelfand 5.28.15/11:00am-12:00pm/CREOL RM 102

Seminar: "Stimulated Raman: Building Better Biosensors, Making Medical Discoveries, and Understanding Fundamental Biophysics" by Dr. Ryan M. Gelfand
Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
CREOL Room 102

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Dr. Ryan M. Gelfand 

For over a century optical spectroscopy has been an integral tool for determining the structure, composition, and function of biological molecules. When small molecules bind together to form macromolecules the intermolecular resonances are found between 0.3 to 10 THz: the terahertz gap. Current sources and detectors at these frequencies are impractical for large scale, fast, sensitive and inexpensive molecular studies. By using the beat frequency between two laser sources one can perform high resolution spectroscopy across a very large frequency range (including the THz regime) while still using readily available visible and NIR optical components. This frequency difference creates a strong electrostriction force that excites Raman active vibrational modes. Once excited, the increased motion of the particle influences the optical signal which can be recorded by using a lock-in amplifier. To increase the efficiency and sensitivity of this technique it is coupled to a single nanoparticle optical aperture trap. Within this trap one can study the structure of proteins without tethers and in their native environment; comparing how different therapies impact the behavior of these important biological molecules. Development of this technique will enable researchers to gain insight into both protein-protein and protein-small molecule interactions leading to advances in disease treatments, potentially for neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, because the setups are versatile they can be used to study other nanoparticle systems as well (for example: semiconductors, carbon materials, florescent molecules, etc).
These stimulated Raman methods are not only simply limited to optical traps. By using them in conjunction with an AFM, this spectroscopic functionality can be added to force microscopy measurements. By looking at the effect of an excited particle near a plasmonic hotspot fabricated onto the facet of one of the lasers, sensitive and selective optical detection can be achieved by looking at the change in differential resistance of the laser. This would eliminate the need for bulky, cooled photodetectors and enable compact, portable, and potentially disposable biosensor devices. Two photon stimulated Raman techniques will allow us to more easily access the THz region, add extra spectroscopic functionality to already existing methods, and provide researchers with a new tool to study fundamental sciences.

Dr. Ryan M. Gelfand is an NSF funded postdoctoral researcher in electrical engineering at the University of Victoria with Prof. Reuven Gordon and Northwestern University. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering (solid state and photonics division) from Northwestern with Prof. Hooman Mohseni, and his B.S. in physics from Carnegie Mellon. Between those degrees he worked as a pharmaceutical chemist for Abbot Labs in Chicago. Ryan was awarded an NSF Fellowship in Biology in 2013 for a program entitled: Intersections of Biology and Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering. His research interests and experiences have always been at the intersection between the physical sciences and biology.

For additional information:
Dr. Aristide Dogariu


SPIE Faculty Talk Series Seminar: “A Creole boy goes to CREOL: Many hands make light work” by Dr. M.J. Soileau 6.11.15/11:00am-12:00pm/ CREOL RM 102/103

SPIE Faculty Talk Series Seminar: “A Creole boy goes to CREOL: Many hands make light work” by Dr. M.J. Soileau
Thursday, June 11, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
CREOL Room 102/103

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015
Dr. M.J. Soileau
V.P. for Research and Professor of Optics, ECE & Physics

In this talk I will share my life’s journey in optics.   I will speak about what led me to a career in optics, a very improbable journey indeed!   The first part of the title is a bit of word play relating to my ancestry (9th generation in this country, but first in my family to speak English as my primary language) and the myth about how the name CREOL came about.   The sub title is meant to emphasize that the story I have to tell is about collaboration, mentorship, and friendship.   Anything that I have been able to accomplish in optics is due to the helping hands of many people.   The other meaning intended by the subtitle is that the many hands of the people at CREOL are putting light to work to develop Florida’s innovation economy.

Position: University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL         
Vice President for Research & Commercialization and Distinguished Prof. of Optics, ECE, and Physics, June 1999-Present
Interim Vice President for Research & Graduate Studies, July 1998-June 1999
Director, School of Optics/CREOL, University of Central Florida, January 1987 to June 1999

Ph.D.  Electrical Engineering/Quantum Electronics-University of Southern California 1979
M.S.    Physics/Optics-University of Utah 1968
B.S.    Astronomy and Physics-Louisiana State University 1967
Present Duties:  Heads the UCF Office of Research & Commercialization which includes:
  1.  Office of Sponsored Programs, which, in turn, is responsible for providing contract and grant services for the university faculty and staff. 
  2. Oversight and management of interdisciplinary centers, including, the Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers (CREOL), the Institute of Simulation and Training (IST), the Nano Science and Technology Center (NSTC), the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC), the Advanced Materials Processing and Application Center (AMPAC), Center for Research in Computer Vision (CRCV) and the Florida Space Institute (FSI.)
  3. The UCF Technology Incubator and the university Technology Transfer Office.
  4. The UCF Research Foundation (the VP Research serves as president of this organization.)
  5. Represents the research agenda of the university in the senior administration and in partnerships with federal, state, and local agencies and the private business sector.
  6. Member of the Florida High Tech Corridor Council Core Team.
Current Board Memberships and Community Service:
bioOrlando Scientific Council
Board of Directors of BEAM, Inc. (UCF Spin-off Company)
Board of Directors of Aquafiber, Corp.
Board of Directors of the Florida Photonics Cluster (501.c.3 Corporation)
President UCF Research Foundation (501.c.3 Corporation)
Board of Trustees (past Chairman) of the Orlando Science (501.c.3 corporation)
President, Laser Induced Damage, Inc. (501.c.3 Corporation)
Vice Chairman of the Board, Florida Research Consortium (FRC)(501.c3 corporation)
Board (and Past Chair) of the Orange County Research and Development Authority
Board and Executive Committee of the Astronaut Memorial Foundation
Space Florida Education and Research Committee
Tech Council of Enterprise Florida
Selected Honors:
Gold Medal of the SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2008
Ester Hoffman Beller Medal of the OSA (Optical Society of America), 2007
President of the SPIE-the International Society for Optical Engineering, 1997
Director’s Award, SPIE-the International Society for Optical Engineering, 1998
Fellow of the SPIE, the OSA, AAAS (American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science), National Academy of Inventors, and the IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
Elected a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, 1995
Charter Member, National Academy of Inventors
Distinguished Service Appreciation Medal by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain
Publications and Presentations: 
Over 170 technical and scientific papers in the general areas of optics, laser induced damage to optical materials and nonlinear optics.
Past Positions: Founding Director of CREOL and the UCF School of Optics, Officer, USAF (1967-73), VP MITS, Inc. (1971-72), Research Scientist, US Navy (1973-80), Prof. Of Physics, University of North Texas, (1980-86).

 For additional information: 
Md Javed Rouf Talukder

TOMORROW! SID & IEEE Student Chapters Seminar: "Improving Solar Cell Efficiency beyond Shockley-Quisser Limit by Singlet Fission—Exciton Dynamics in Rubrene and Tetracene Thin Films" by Dr. Jiun-Haw Lee 5.27.15/11:00am-12:00pm/ CREOL RM 103

SID & IEEE Student Chapters Seminar: "Improving Solar Cell Efficiency beyond Shockley-Quisser Limit by Singlet Fission—Exciton Dynamics in Rubrene and Tetracene Thin Films" by Dr. Jiun-Haw Lee
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
CREOL Room A214

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Dr. Jiun-Haw Lee
Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics and Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

Exciton fission is a process to split one singlet exciton into two triplet excitons. By dissociating those two excitons into carriers, it is possible to generate super high internal quantum efficiency (> 100%, ideally 200%). In our experiments, transient photoluminescence (TRPL) was used to study exciton fission and fusion dynamics characteristics. Fusion rate increased with decreasing the film thickness, which was due to the triplet exciton confinement. Excitons were quenched by Si substrate which showed the possible energy transfer process between organic material and Si.

Dr. Jiun-Haw Lee received the B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 1994, 1995, and 2000, respectively, all from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.From 2000 to 2003, he was with the RiTdisplay Corporation as the director. Since 2003, he joined the faculty of National Taiwan University in the Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics and the Department of Electrical Engineering, where he is currently a professor. His research interests include organic optoelectronic devices, display and lighting technologies, and solar cells.He has co-authored over 80journal papers, over 250conference papers, and 50 patents.

For more information:
SID UCF Student Branch Chair: Fenglin (Maple) Peng
SID UCF Student chapter advisor: Prof. Shin-Tson Wu
IEEE Photonics Society Chair: Ruidong Zhu

Friday, May 22, 2015

SID & IEEE Student Chapters Seminar: "Improving Solar Cell Efficiency beyond Shockley-Quisser Limit by Singlet Fission—Exciton Dynamics in Rubrene and Tetracene Thin Films" by Dr. Jiun-Haw Lee 5.27.15/11:00am-12:00pm/ CREOL RM A214

SID & IEEE Student Chapters Seminar: "Improving Solar Cell Efficiency beyond Shockley-Quisser Limit by Singlet Fission—Exciton Dynamics in Rubrene and Tetracene Thin Films" by Dr. Jiun-Haw Lee
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
CREOL Room A214

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Dr. Jiun-Haw Lee
Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics and Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

Exciton fission is a process to split one singlet exciton into two triplet excitons. By dissociating those two excitons into carriers, it is possible to generate super high internal quantum efficiency (> 100%, ideally 200%). In our experiments, transient photoluminescence (TRPL) was used to study exciton fission and fusion dynamics characteristics. Fusion rate increased with decreasing the film thickness, which was due to the triplet exciton confinement. Excitons were quenched by Si substrate which showed the possible energy transfer process between organic material and Si.

Dr. Jiun-Haw Lee received the B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 1994, 1995, and 2000, respectively, all from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.From 2000 to 2003, he was with the RiTdisplay Corporation as the director. Since 2003, he joined the faculty of National Taiwan University in the Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics and the Department of Electrical Engineering, where he is currently a professor. His research interests include organic optoelectronic devices, display and lighting technologies, and solar cells.He has co-authored over 80journal papers, over 250conference papers, and 50 patents.

For more information:
SID UCF Student Branch Chair: Fenglin (Maple) Peng
SID UCF Student chapter advisor: Prof. Shin-Tson Wu
IEEE Photonics Society Chair: Ruidong Zhu

Thursday, May 21, 2015

TOMORROW! Seminar: "What can we learn in glass materials combining conventional infrared and Raman with unconventional hyper-Raman and hyper-Rayleigh techniques?" By Dr. Vincent Rodriguez 5.22.15/3:00-4:00pm/ CREOL RM 103

Seminar: "What can we learn in glass materials combining conventional infrared and Raman with unconventional hyper-Raman and hyper-Rayleigh techniques?" By Dr. Vincent Rodriguez
Friday, May 22, 2015 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
CREOL Room 103

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Vincent Rodriguez 
Institute of Molecular Science (ISM), University of Bordeaux, Talence, France.

Vibrational spectroscopies are suitable techniques to get structural and dynamical insights from a wide range of systems at the molecular scale. The combination of spontaneous hyper-Raman scattering (HRS), which is a nonlinear vibrational technique, to other conventional vibrational techniques as infrared (IR) and Raman scattering (RS) has enriched this field.  Harmonic light scattering (HLS), also called hyper-Rayleigh scattering, provides unique additional information about the nature and structure/symmetry of the scatterers.

Prof. Vincent Rodriguez obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry in 1989 at the University of Bordeaux (France). After a postdoc at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) and at the “Institut Laue-Langevin” (European Neutron Research Facilities) in Grenoble (France), he returned in 1993 to the University of Bordeaux as assistant professor. He obtained the “Habilitation à diriger les recherches” (HDR) at the University of Bordeaux in 2003. Since 2007 he is a full professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux. Over the years, he has contributed in the field of vibrational spectroscopies as well as nonlinear optics techniques like second Harmonic Generation, hyper-Raleigh Scattering, hyper-Raman Scattering. His recent areas of interest concern novel photonic materials for nonlinear optics applications and imaging, molecular switches and molecular and supramolecular chirality. He has co-authored more than 140 peer-reviewed papers including review papers, one book and three book chapters, covering the fields of material chemistry and nonlinear optics. 

For additional information:
Dr. Kathleen A. Richardson


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Orlando optics company wins the Cade Prize for innovation

The company was selected to win the $50,000 prize over 84 other young Florida companies for the innovation and market potential of its technology

Orlando, Fla., May 20, 2015 -- EVERIX, a design and manufacturing firm for high-performance interference optical filters, today announced that it has won the 2015 Annual Cade Museum Prize. The Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention's annual competition is for early-stage inventors and entrepreneurs in Florida with ideas that demonstrate innovation, large potential impact in the world, and market credibility. EVERIX was selected the winner after the four finalists gave presentations to the audience at the inaugural Inventivity Bash and a panel of judges reviewed the inventions and business plans vying for the $50,000 award.

The Community Foundation of North Central Florida provided the cash award, while the Florida-based law firm of Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. offered $10,000 in in-kind legal services.

"Winning this serious cash prize could enable us to achieve some of our key business milestones at a faster pace, but even more valuable to us were the comments and feedback from the Cade Museum’s seasoned panel of judges" said E. Hooman Banaei, the Founder and CEO of EVERIX. "The judges were among the best, a great mix of business leaders and technologists. Winning this tight competition gave us the confidence that our company is on track with a game-changing technology," he added.

EVERIX recently launched its unique flexible ultra-thin optical filters with scratch-insensitive performance and easy custom-shaping for OEM customers requiring volume consistency across a multitude of industries. The company has already received inquiries from several industries, including medical imaging for early cancer detection, defense and safety equipment manufacturers.


EVERIX specializes in custom design and manufacturing of high-performance interference optical filters with hundreds to thousands of nano-layers for high wavelength selectivity and spectrum customization. The company's proprietary technology for non-deposition fabrication of simple to complex interference optical filters with both rigid and flexible substrates enables consistent volume production beyond conventional possibilities. EVERIX’s new manufacturing approach lifts some key limits the optical coating industry has had even after four decades of maturity. EVERIX provides advantageous alternatives for many existing markets and enables several new markets previously prohibitive due to the coating technology limits.

About Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention

The Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention offers classes, programs, and exhibits that are designed to engage visitors in "purposeful creativity," the kind that leads to great inventions, new businesses and ideas that change the world. The Cade Museum Prize is an annual competition for early-stage inventors and entrepreneurs in Florida. The goals of the $50,000 prize are to provide seed capital and publicity for great ideas with market potential.

E. Hooman Banaei, PhD
Found and CEO, EVERIX, Inc.
+1(407) 637-2987

Media Contact:
Nadia Ballard
Market Growth Strategies LLC
+1(407) 716-8435

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sensing/Imaging Faculty Candidate Seminar: "Thin-film Materials for Next-Generation Optoelectronics" by Dr. Kyle Renshaw 5.26.15/11:00am-12:00pm/ CREOL RM 103

Sensing/Imaging Faculty Candidate Seminar: "Thin-film Materials for Next-Generation Optoelectronics" by Dr. Kyle Renshaw
Tuesday, May 26, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
CREOL Room 103

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Dr. Kyle Renshaw

The conventional semiconductors that enable modern optoelectronics are limited in their applications due to their specific set of materials properties. The next generation of devices will be based on thin-film optoelectronic materials such as organic molecules, metal-oxides, graphene, and thin-films of conventional inorganic semiconductors. Thin-film materials offer new optical, electrical and mechanical properties that can be used develop devices with radically different architectures and functionality. Over the last three decades, these materials have been developed to enable inexpensive, large area, non-planar, flexible and/or transparent devices. This first consumer application of these materials recently arrived as large area organic LED displays in cell phones and televisions.
This talk will introduce basic properties of some archetypal thin-film materials and will highlight why these materials are well-suited for the next generation of optoelectronic devices. We will discuss the physical processes involved in photodetection and solar energy harvesting using these materials; next we identify the primary challenges that must be overcome to realize high-performance devices. Examples of broadband sensors, novel imagers and organic photovoltaics will be provided.

Since 2013, Dr. Kyle Renshaw has been a physicist in the Advanced Technology Center of the Electronic Systems division of Northrop Grumman Corp. located in Rolling Meadows, IL. He is an optoelectronics specialist with interest and experience in: 1) photodetection from the ultraviolet to the long-wave infrared, 2) image system characterization and modelling, 3) image processing and tracking, 4) novel semiconductor fabrication techniques, and 5) thin-film device design, fabrication, characterization and modelling. He received a B.S. in Engineering Physics from Cornell University in 2007. His M.S. in Electrical Engineering was conferred in 2012 and Ph.D. in Applied Physics was conferred in 2014 - both from the University of Michigan.

For additional information:
Dr. Demetrios Christodoulides


TOMORROW! Seminar: "Structure, Optical Properties, and Crystallization in Multicomponent Chalcogenide Glasses" by John McCloy 5.15.15/3:00-4:00pm/ CREOL RM 103

Seminar: "Structure, Optical Properties, and Crystallization in Multicomponent Chalcogenide Glasses" by John McCloy
Friday, May 15, 2015 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
CREOL Room 103

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

John McCloy

The search for producible materials with simultaneous occurrence of superior thermo-mechanical properties and long-wave infrared (LWIR) transmission has been a longstanding problem in infrared ceramics engineering.  Recent research has suggested the possibility of using chalcogenide glass processing as a means to achieve breakthroughs in this area.  This talk will focus on three aspects of this problem.  1) vision and scoping experiments for fully ceramized LWIR glass ceramics based on sulfide glasses; 2) prediction methods of optical properties of multicomponent IR glasses; and 3) comparative topological effects on structural and optical properties of ternary Ge-based chalcogenide glasses. 

Long-wave Infrared Transmitting Glass-Ceramics
Three sulfide systems were explored including two with La2S3 in hopes of imparting strong bonds from this refractory sulfide, and two containing GeS2 in hopes of widening the glass-forming region. Attempts were made to produce glasses in the Ga2S3-La2S3-(ZnS,CaS) system, the GeS2-La2S3 system, and the GeS2-Ga2S3-CdS system. Microstructural and thermal analyses were used to explore nucleation and growth in these systems and infrared transmission and mechanical hardness showed potential for LWIR window use. The GeS2-Ga2S3-CdS system showed good LWIR transmission and pre-crystallized hardness superior to chemical vapor deposited ZnS. The Ga2S3-La2S3 glasses did not appear to be viable candidates at this time due to strong tendency for phase separation, a small temperature window between crystallization and glass transition temperatures, and problems with oxygen contamination in the La2S3 source. Glass formation in these materials is shown to be a strong function of quenching method and raw materials.  Suggestions are made for alternative methods for producing fully ceramized LWIR-transmitting glass ceramics. 
Optical Property Prediction in Infrared Glasses
It is often useful to obtain custom glasses that meet particular requirements of refractive index and dispersion for high-end optical design and applications.  In the case of infrared glasses, limited experimental data are available due to difficulties in processing of these glasses and also measuring refractive indices accurately.  Methods for estimating refractive index and dispersion as a function of composition for selected infrared-transmitting glasses are reviewed and evaluated, including Gladstone-Dale, Wemple-DiDomenico single oscillator, Optical basicity, and Lorentz-Lorenz total polarizability.  Various estimates for a set of PbO-Bi2O3-Ga2O3 (heavy metal oxide) and As-S (chalcogenide) glasses are compared with measured values of index and dispersion.  Problems associated with known glass topology changes and index prediction are discussed.      
Topological Effects on Properties of Ge-based Ternary Chalcogenide Glasses
Germanium based ternary chalcogenide glasses have been explored for over 50 years.  However, glass scientists are still discovering the complexities of these systems, particularly in relation to the continuum between random covalent network (RCN) and chemical ordered covalent network (COCN) structures. Recent understanding of crystal precipitation in these glass systems has aided in understanding of the medium range ordering.  In this final part of the talk, a comparison is made between the behavior of glass transition versus average coordination number for known compositions in Ge-Ga-Se, Ge-Ga-S, Ge-Sb-Se, and Ge-As-Se systems.

John McCloy, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Washington State University (WSU) in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
(MME). He hold degrees in Materials Science & Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Arizona. From 2008-2013 he was a senior scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), for the last several years as Team Lead of Glass and Materials Science. From 2000-2008 he was with Raytheon Missile Systems working on infrared systems and materials. Dr. McCloy has held roles in line management, technology management, research and development, engineering, and manufacturing. He has worked in operations, test, and engineering organizations, and led multi-disciplinary project teams of >20 in both manufacturing and engineering research & development. His current research and teaching at WSU involves Nuclear, Optical, Magnetic, and Electronic materials, with particular focus on the effect of disordering on structure and functional properties.

For additional information:
Dr. Kathleen Richardson


TOMORROW! Seminar: "Tailoring crystallization in oxide glasses: Application to transparent polycrystalline ceramics and nanostructured glass-ceramics" by: Mathieu Allix 5.15.15/11:00am-12:00pm/ CREOL RM 103

Seminar: "Tailoring crystallization in oxide glasses: Application to transparent polycrystalline ceramics and nanostructured glass-ceramics" by: Mathieu Allix
Friday, May 15, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
CREOL Room 103

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Crystallization from glass can be a powerful process to elaborate innovating transparent materials for optical and photonic applications if nucleation and crystal growth steps can be precisely controlled. This talk will focus on two main applications: transparent polycrystalline ceramics elaborated by full and congruent crystallization from glass and nanostructured glass-ceramics designed from nanoscale phase separated glasses.
Transparent polycrystalline ceramics elaborated by full crystallization from glass
Transparent polycrystalline ceramics are an emerging class of photonic quality materials competing with single crystal technology for a diverse range of applications including high-energy lasers, scintillating devices, optical lenses, and transparent armor. Polycrystalline ceramics offer several advantages, particularly in the fabrication of complex shapes and large-scale industrial production, and enable greater and more homogenous doping of optically active ions than is possible in single crystals. However, up to date, only a limited number of such materials has been reported. These are either cubic or nanocrystalline transparent polycrystalline ceramics which require complex, time-consuming and so expensive synthetic approaches.
Our recent work shows the possibility to obtain transparent polycrystalline ceramics by full and congruent crystallization from glass. Transparency is observed despite micrometer scale crystals and a non cubic symmetry (no structural isotropy) of the crystalline phase. Interestingly, crystallization from glass can give access to new crystalline phases given the relatively low crystallization temperature compared to classic solid state elaboration temperature. This is demonstrated in the case of a new composition, BaAl4O7, showing the existence of two orthorhombic polymorphs both showing high transparency in the visible and infra-red ranges [1,2]. The crystallographic structures of these polymorphs have been determined ab initio from powder diffraction data. From these structural models, the optical birefringence has been obtained by DFT calculations of the dielectric function. These results enable to discuss the transparency property of these materials as a function of the determined crystalline structures and the observed microstructures. Remarkably, these materials show promising scintillation properties when doped by europium [3]. The same elaboration process has been applied to cubic compositions, Sr3Al2O6 and Sr3Ga2O6, allowing very high transparencies to be attained [4]. Lastly, we have focused our work on strontium aluminosilicate compositions, the addition of silica enabling large scale glass samples to be obtained. The full and congruent crystallization of Sr1+x/2Al2+xSi2-xO8 compositions leads to new transparent polycrystalline ceramics forming a crystalline solid solution exhibiting hexagonal symmetry. These materials show an impressive transmittance higher than 90%, which sets a transparency record for oxide ceramics. A crystallographic study coupled to NMR experiments and DFT calculations of the birefringence allowed us to evidence the role of structural disorder (Al/Si substitution and presence of vacancies on strontium sites) in the origin of the optical isotropy observed in these structurally anisotropic materials. These results propose an innovative concept, the addition of a controlled structural disorder within crystalline structures, in order to lower the birefringence and to elaborate new transparent ceramics [5].

New nanostructured gallogermanate- and gallosilicate-based glass materials exhibiting high transparency in the visible range have been fabricated by conventional melt-quenching. These materials can accommodate wide oxide compositions and present nanoscale phase separation. The size of the nanostructuring can be tailored depending on the nominal composition. A single heat treatment then allows selective crystallization of the phase separated glass, resulting in glass-ceramic materials exhibiting nanostructures and transparency similar to the parent glass.[6,7]
The wide possibilities of designing new nanostructured glass-ceramics with tunable optical properties will be illustrated in the case of a highly transparent ZnGa2O4 glass-ceramic exhibiting 50 wt% of nanocrystals with homogeneous and tunable sizes. High resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis coupled with in situ high temperature X-ray diffraction and optical measurements led to a detailed description of the crystallization process. Remarkably, red long-lasting luminescence arising from the entire sample volume is observed in this Cr3+ doped material, opening the route to a wider range of performing applications for this famous zinc gallate persistent phosphor.[8,9]

1. M.Allix, S.Alahrache, F.Fayon, M.Suchomel, F.Porcher, T.Cardinal, G.Matzen, Highly Transparent BaAl4O7 Polycrystalline Ceramic Obtained by Full Crystallization from GlassAdvanced Materials, 24 5570-5575 (2012)
2. "Transparent aluminate glass, glass-ceramics and ceramics", International patent deposited 1/12/2011, published 6/6/2013, WO2013079707 A1, PCT international extension PCT/EP2012/074171, US20140336032 13/11/2014.
3. G.Patton, F.Moretti, A.Belsky, K.Al Saghir, S.Chenu, G.Matzen, M.Allix, and C.Dujardin, Light yield sensitization by X-ray irradiation in BaAl4O7 : Eu2+ ceramic scintillator obtained by full crystallization from glassPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics., 16 24824 (2014)
4. S.Alahraché, K.Al Saghir, S.Chenu, E.Véron, D.De Sousa Meneses, A.I.Becerro, M.Ocaña, F.Moretti, G.Patton, C.Dujardin, F.Cussó, J-P.Guin, M.Nivard, J-C.Sangleboeuf, G.Matzen, M.Allix, Perfectly transparent Sr3Al2O6 polycristalline ceramic elaborated from glass crystallizationChemistry of Materials, 25 4017-4024 (2013)
5. K.Al Saghir, S.Chenu, E.Veron, F.Fayon*, M.Suchomel, C.Genevois, F.Porcher, G.Matzen, D.Massiot and M.Allix*, Transparency through Structural Disorder: A New Concept for Innovative Transparent CeramicsChemistry of Materials, 27 508-514 (2015)
6. "Nanostructured glass and glass-ceramics transparent in the visible and infrared ranges"International patent deposited 28/02/2014, published 4/9/2014, WO2014131881 A1, PCT in progress, PCT/EP2014/053932.
7. S.Chenu, E.Véron, C.Genevois, G.Matzen, T.Cardinal, A.Etienne, D.Massiot, M.Allix, Tuneable Nanostructuring of Highly Transparent Zinc Gallogermanate Glasses and Glass-CeramicsAdvanced Optical Materials, 2 364 (2014)
8. S. Chenu, E. Veron, C. Genevois, A. Garcia, G. Matzen, M. Allix, Long-lasting luminescent ZnGa2O4:Cr3+ transparent glass-ceramics,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2 10002-10010 (2014)
9. M.Allix, S.Chenu, E.Véron, T.Poumeyrol, E.A.Kouadri-Boudjelthia, S.Alahraché, F.Porcher, D.Massiot, F.Fayon, Considerable improvement of long-persistent luminescence in germanium and tin substituted ZnGa2O4Chemistry of Materials, 25 1600–1606 (2013)
Keywords: Glass crystallization, transparent polycrystalline ceramics, transparent glass-ceramics, phase separation, structure determination from powder diffraction, long lasting luminescence, scintillation, Transmission electron

Dr. Mathieu Allix is a CNRS researcher in material chemistry in Orléans, France. He received his PhD from the University of Caen in 2004 and eventually moved to a 3 years postdoctoral position in Liverpool, UK under the supervision of Matt Rosseinsky. His research focuses on crystallization in oxide glasses with an application to transparent polycrystalline ceramics elaborated by full and congruent crystallization from glass and nanostructured glass-ceramics designed from nanoscale phase separated glasses. He is author of over 70 publications and recently received the CNRS bronze medal award.

For additional information:

Dr. Kathleen Richardson

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Seminar-“New Magnetic Resonance Approaches Towards the Structural Characterization of Luminescent Ceramic Materials” by Hellmut Eckert/5/12/15, Noon-1pm/CREOL 103

“New Magnetic Resonance Approaches Towards the Structural Characterization of Luminescent Ceramic Materials”
Tuesday, May 12, 2015/12:00-1:00pm

Hellmut Eckert
1 Instituto de Física Sao Carlos, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
2Institut für Physikalische Chemie, WWU Münster, Germany

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Rare-earth doped glasses and vitroceramics have been introduced as excellent alternatives to single crystalline host materials for luminescent rare-earth ions with special laser applications To optimize the luminescent properties of these materials, detailed structural information regarding the local environment of the rare-earth species in the glassy state is essential. This characterization must include the distribution of the rare earth ions in space and over the different crystalline and amorphous components present. While solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is in general a promising tool for such purposes, unfortunately, the rare-earth ions themselves cannot be studied by NMR due to their paramagnetism. To overcome this difficulty, we have developed a comprehensive examination strategy consisting of (a) the use of diamagnetic mimics (45Sc and 89Y NMR), (b) the quantification of paramagnetic broadening effects imparted by the rare-earth ions upon the solid state NMR spectra of framework atoms, and (c) the direct study of electron-nuclear interactions as probed by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy. Results will be presented for a range of rare-earth containing fluorophosphates, aluminophosphate, and aluminoborate, glasses and ceramics, and extensions to other laser ceramic systems will be discussed.

Hellmut Eckert
Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany and
Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, São Carlos.
1973 - 1978         Studies of Chemistry, WWU Münster
1982      PhD (Dr. rer. nat.), WWU Münster
1982 - 1984         Postdoctoral fellow, Rutgers University, New Brunswick,USA
1984-1987           Staff Scientist, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
1987-96               Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Analyt. Chemistry, UC Santa Barbara, USA
since 1995           Universitätsprofessor  Physical Chemistry, C4, WWU Münster, Germany
since 2011           Professor Titular, Physics, Universidade São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil.

Editor, Chemistry of Materials (1998-2011), Editor, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (since 1991), Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Alexander-von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (since 2010), ~440 publications, ~ 9500 citations, h-Index 44, CNPq: 1A,

For additional information:
Dr. Leonid B. Glebov


Seminar: "“Fluorophosphate glasses doped with Er3+ and Yb3+: Structural and Photophysical Characterization”y by Andrea S. S. de Camargo" 5/12/15, 11:00am-noon/ CREOL RM 103

“Fluorophosphate glasses doped with Er3+ and Yb3+: Structural and Photophysical Characterization”
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:00am-12:00pm

Andrea S. S. de Camargo
Physics Institute of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, São Carlos – SP, Brazil.

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Rare-earth (RE)-doped oxide glasses and glass-ceramics are still at the focus of much research for laser applications in the infrared and visible spectral regions. In order to facilitate the development of materials with optimized optical properties (high absorption and emission cross sections, suitable excited state lifetime values, manageable energy transfer) while still maintaining chemical and mechanical stability, detailed structural information is of utmost importance. This information regards the chemical bonding environment of the RE dopant, its coordination sphere, the distribution in the amorphous (or partially crystalized) network and the possible formation of clusters that can result in fluorescence quenching. The combination of optical spectroscopic techniques (UV-VIS, FT-IR, steady-state and time resolved fluorescence) with magnetic resonance techniques (NMR, EPR) offers the opportunity to approach the systems from different points of view so that structure-function correlations can be drawn. Among the most interesting materials for current applications are phosphates glasses and ceramics. Still, they present disadvantages such as low mechanical resistance and hygroscopicity which can prevent laser action due to energy transfer to OH- groups. Lately, oxyfluoride glasses have attracted much attention with the promise to combine merits of fluorides (low phonon energy, moderate refractive indexes, and extensive IR window) and of oxide glasses (high chemical and mechanical stability and higher RE solubility). In this work, we present new fluoro-aluminophosphate glasses with compositions 0.25BaF2–0.25SrF2–(0.3-x)Al(PO3)3–xAlF3–(0.2-z)YF3-zREF3 with x = 15 and 20 mol%, RE = Er3+ and/or Yb3+ (z =0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 3.0 and 4.0 mol%). A significant increase in lifetime values and fluorescence quantum efficiencies is observed upon addition of fluorine and consecutive substitution of oxygen in the first coordination sphere of RE, as confirmed by 19F NMR. The latter also turns out to be very useful for quantifying fluoride losses during the synthesis and differentiating between P- and Al-bonded fluorine species. Furthermore, systematic compositional changes in the network structure have been monitored by 31P, 27Al single resonance as well as 31P(19F), 31P(27Al), 27Al(19F), 27Al(31P) double resonance NMR leading to a comprehensive structural description of the system. Besides the throughout characterization of near-infrared emissions at 1.0 and 1.55 µm, the favorable energy transfer between Yb3+ and Er3+ was also investigated in the visible (infrared to green and red upconversion) ranges.

Andrea de Camargo is a Bachelor (1996) and Master (1999) in Chemistry and got her PhD degree in Applied Physics at the Physics Institute of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, Brazil (2003). In 2006 she became Assistant Professor of Physics at the same institute. From 2008-2011 she worked at the Westfaelisches Wilhelms Universitaet Muenster in Germany, as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and then CNPq Postdoctoral Fellow. Since her return to São Carlos she has been working on the consolidation of her research group dedicated to design, synthesis, spectroscopic investigations and structural-functional correlations of luminescent and optical materials (rare-earth doped glasses and glass ceramic for laser applications, mesoporous silicates incorporated with highly luminescent molecular species, luminescent nanoparticles, etc). She is one of the principal investigators of CeRTEV – Center for Research, Technology and Education in Vitreous Materials, a joint initiative to establish an Excellence Center in Glass Science and Technology in São Carlos. In 2007 she was granted the prize L’OREAL for Women in Science, Brazil, and subsequently the CNPq Research Productivity Fellowship, which she still holds. In 2008 she became affiliated member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. She has published over 50 papers and advised 3 PhDs and 4 MS thesis.

For additional information:
Dr. Leonid B. Glebov


Seminar: "What can we learn in glass materials combining conventional infrared and Raman with unconventional hyper-Raman and hyper-Rayleigh techniques?" By Dr. Vincent Rodriguez-5/22/15,CREOL 103@4pm

"What can we learn in glass materials combining conventional infrared and Raman with unconventional hyper-Raman and hyper-Rayleigh techniques?"
May 22, 2015
CREOL room 103@4pm
Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Vincent Rodriguez 
Institute of Molecular Science (ISM), University of Bordeaux, Talence, France.

Vibrational spectroscopies are suitable techniques to get structural and dynamical insights from a wide range of systems at the molecular scale. The combination of spontaneous hyper-Raman scattering (HRS), which is a nonlinear vibrational technique, to other conventional vibrational techniques as infrared (IR) and Raman scattering (RS) has enriched this field.  Harmonic light scattering (HLS), also called hyper-Rayleigh scattering, provides unique additional information about the nature and structure/symmetry of the scatterers.

Prof. Vincent Rodriguez obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry in 1989 at the University of Bordeaux (France). After a postdoc at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) and at the “Institut Laue-Langevin” (European Neutron Research Facilities) in Grenoble (France), he returned in 1993 to the University of Bordeaux as assistant professor. He obtained the “Habilitation à diriger les recherches” (HDR) at the University of Bordeaux in 2003. Since 2007 he is a full professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux. Over the years, he has contributed in the field of vibrational spectroscopies as well as nonlinear optics techniques like second Harmonic Generation, hyper-Raleigh Scattering, hyper-Raman Scattering. His recent areas of interest concern novel photonic materials for nonlinear optics applications and imaging, molecular switches and molecular and supramolecular chirality. He has co-authored more than 140 peer-reviewed papers including review papers, one book and three book chapters, covering the fields of material chemistry and nonlinear optics. 
For additional information:
Dr. Kathleen A. Richardson


Thursday, May 7, 2015

LightPath Technologies Announces Fiscal 2015 Third Quarter Financial Results

For Immediate Release:

LightPath Technologies Announces Fiscal 2015 Third Quarter Financial Results

100% Increase in Sequential Quarter Rate of Backlog Growth from the Second Quarter as Global Sales of Optical and Infrared Products Gain Traction

Gross Margin Reaches Highest Level in Over Four Years

ORLANDO, FL – May 7, 2015 -- LightPath Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: LPTH) (“LightPath,” the “Company” or “we”), a leading vertically integrated global manufacturer, distributor and integrator of proprietary optical and infrared components and high-level assemblies, today announced financial results for the fiscal 2015 third quarter ended March 31, 2015.

Third Quarter Fiscal 2015 Highlights:

12-month backlog increased approximately 10% to $6.2 million at March 31, 2015 from December 31, 2014 and increased approximately 31% from March 31, 2014. Backlog in the second quarter increased 5% to $5.6 million at December 31, 2014 from September 30, 2014.
Revenue for the third quarter of fiscal 2015 increased 6% to approximately $3.2 million compared to approximately $3.0 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2014.
Revenues from sales of infrared products increased by more than 193% in the third quarter of fiscal 2015 compared to the third quarter of fiscal 2014.
Gross margin was 50% in the third quarter of fiscal 2015 compared to 49% in the third quarter last year.
For the third quarter of fiscal 2015, net income was approximately $90,000, or $0.01 per share, compared to net loss of $(133,000), or $(0.01) per share for the third quarter of fiscal 2014.
EBITDA was $210,000 in the third quarter of fiscal 2015 compared to an EBITDA loss of ($1,000) in the third quarter last year.

Jim Gaynor, President and Chief Executive Officer of LightPath, commented, “We had an excellent fiscal 2015 third quarter that reflects the actions taken in the first half of the year to accelerate sales and improve our operating efficiency.  Momentum in bookings from the first half of the year has accelerated in the third quarter, which bodes well for revenue growth in future periods.”

“Our order intake remained strong in the third quarter with solid bookings across major markets we serve: distribution & catalog, laser, industrial, instrumentation, telecommunications and defense. We booked $1 million in our specialty products segment and saw continued improvement in our infrared business. The China market remained weak, particularly for our high volume precision molded optics products, due to six years of declining economic growth in the country. Despite this regional trend, our global diversification strategies have resulted in revenue increasing 6% in the third quarter of fiscal 2015 as compared to the prior year period, with growth in shipments across all other business segments and major markets.”

“Gross margin improved to 50% for the quarter reflecting the initiatives taken in the first half of the year and the strong revenue level. This marks the highest level of gross margin as a percentage of revenues in over four years.  We expect further improvement in profitability as a result of the continued strength in bookings and the improvement in the manufacturing operations at the Zhenjiang facility as the workforce gains experience and the facility reaches its full planned production levels.”

Mr. Gaynor continued, “We are pleased with the progress we are seeing in the growth of the infrared product line. Our shipment volumes have tripled, albeit from a small initial base. Sales growth for our infrared product line complements the increased interest in the marketplace for our molded products, which are viewed by our customers as reducing their product costs and enabling advancement of new and improved products they are bringing to market. Based on our streamlined and enhanced global marketing processes, customers are increasingly recognizing the advantages of our molded optics and proactively bringing us into their product development. We are benefiting from growth in both our precision molded optic product line and infrared product line and operational efficiencies to drive improved profitability.”

Financial Results for Three Months Ended March 31, 2015

Revenue for the third quarter of fiscal 2015 totaled approximately $3.2 million, which was an increase of $193,000, or 6%, as compared to the same period of the prior fiscal year.   The increase from the third quarter of the prior fiscal year is attributable to an increase in sales of specialty products and an increase in sales of infrared products.

The gross margin as a percentage of revenue in the third quarter of fiscal 2015 was 50%, compared to 49% in the third quarter of fiscal 2014. Total manufacturing costs of $1.6 million increased by approximately $58,000 in the third quarter of fiscal 2015 compared to the same period of the prior fiscal year. The slight increase in cost is a result of higher direct labor costs to support the growth in infrared lens production volume.

During the third quarter of fiscal 2015, total costs and expenses decreased by approximately $29,000 compared to the same period of the prior year. The decrease was due to a $30,000 decline for materials and a $71,000 reduction in costs for outside consultants, offset by a $74,000 increase in wages.  Total operating income for the third quarter of fiscal 2015 was approximately $206,000, compared to approximately $43,000 for the same period in fiscal 2014.

In the third quarter of fiscal 2015, the Company recognized non-cash expense of approximately $106,000 related to the change in the fair value of warrant liability issued in connection with the June 2012 private placement. In the third quarter of fiscal 2014, the Company recognized non-cash expense of approximately $131,000 related to the change in the fair value of these warrants. The warrants have a five year life and this fair value will be re-measured each reporting period until the warrants are exercised or expire.

Net income for the third quarter of fiscal 2015 was approximately $90,000 (including the $106,000 non-cash expense for the change in value of the warrant liability), or $0.01 per basic and diluted common share, compared with a net loss of $(133,000) (including the $131,000 non-cash expense for the change in value of the warrant liability), or $(0.01) per basic and diluted common share, for the same period in fiscal 2014. Weighted-average basic shares outstanding increased to 15,713,892 in the third quarter of fiscal 2015 compared to 14,292,976 in the third quarter of fiscal 2014 primarily due to the issuance of shares of common stock for the Company’s private placement in January 2015 and the employee stock purchase plan.

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (“EBITDA”) for the third quarter of fiscal 2015 was approximately $210,000 compared to a loss of approximately ($1,000) in the third quarter of fiscal 2014.  The difference in EBITDA between periods was principally caused by higher net income recognized in the three months ended March 31, 2015.

Financial Results for Nine Months Ended March 31, 2015

Revenue for the nine months of fiscal 2015 totaled approximately $9.2 million, an increase of $432,000, or 5%, as compared to the same period of the prior fiscal year.   The increase from the first nine months of the prior fiscal year was attributable to an increase of 5% in sales of specialty products and a 170% increase in sales of infrared products.

The gross margin percentage in the first nine months of fiscal 2015 was 42%, compared to 46% in the first nine months of fiscal 2014. Total manufacturing costs of $5.3 million increased by approximately $608,000 in the first nine months of fiscal 2015 compared to the same period of the prior fiscal year given the higher revenue levels.

The Company also incurred additional costs due to an increase in direct labor costs associated with the ramp-up of infrared production, the overlapping manufacturing workforces during the transition of production from the Shanghai facility to the Zhenjiang facility, and severance for terminated staff at Shanghai’s facility as the Company shifted production to the Zhenjiang facility.

During the first nine months of fiscal 2015, total costs and expenses increased by approximately $327,000 compared to the same period of the prior year. The increase was primarily due to an increase of approximately $137,000 in professional services fees in support of strategic growth initiatives and $262,000 in wages, partially offset by an $82,000 decrease in stock compensation expense.  Total operating loss for the first nine months of fiscal 2015 was approximately $(709,000) compared to an operating loss of approximately $(205,000) for the same period in fiscal 2014.

In the first nine months of fiscal 2015, the Company recognized non-cash income of approximately $375,000 related to the change in the fair value of warrant liability issued in connection with the June 2012 private placement. In the first nine months of fiscal 2014, the Company recognized non-cash expense of approximately $185,000 related to the change in the fair value of these warrants. The warrants have a five year life and this fair value will be re-measured each reporting period until the warrants are exercised or expire.

Net loss for the first nine months of fiscal 2015 was approximately $(348,000) (including the $375,000 non-cash income for the change in value of the warrant liability), or $(0.02) per basic and diluted common share, compared with a net loss of $(416,000) (including the $185,000 non-cash expense for the change in value of the warrant liability), or $(0.03) per basic and diluted common share for the same period in fiscal 2014. Weighted-average basic shares outstanding increased to 14,537,727 in the first nine months of fiscal 2015 compared to 13,905,376 in the first nine months 2014 primarily due to the issuance of shares of common stock for the private placement in January 2015 and the employee stock purchase plan.

Adjusted EBITDA which takes into account the change in value of the warrant liability was approximately ($305,000) for the nine months ended March 31, 2015, compared to approximately $336,000 for the same period last year. The difference in Adjusted EBITDA between periods was principally caused by a lower net loss recognized in the nine months ended March 31, 2015, as well as lower depreciation, offset by higher expense related to the change in the fair value of our warrant liability with respect to the June 2012 Warrants during the nine months ended March 31, 2015.

Cash and cash equivalents totaled approximately $1.0 million as of March 31, 2015. The Company received gross proceeds of approximately $1.3 million from the sale of common stock to Pudong Science & Technology Investment (Cayman) Co. Ltd. in January 2015.  The current ratio as of March 31, 2015 was 3.24 to 1 compared to 3.0 to 1 as of June 30, 2014. Total stockholders’ equity as of March 31, 2015 was approximately $8.3 million, an increase from $7.3 million as of June 30, 2014.

As of March 31, 2015, the Company’s 12-month backlog was $6.2 million, compared to $4.3 million as of June 30, 2014, an increase of approximately 44%, and $5.6 million at December 31, 2014, an increase of approximately 10%.  Backlog for the second quarter increased 5% to $5.6 million at December 31, 2014 from September 30, 2014.

Investor Conference Call and Webcast Details:

LightPath will host an audio conference call and webcast on Thursday, May 7, at 4:30 p.m. ET to discuss the Company’s financial and operational performance for the third quarter of fiscal 2015.
Date: Thursday, May 7, 2015
Time: 4:30 p.m. (ET)
Dial-in Number: 1-800-860-2442
International Dial-in Number: 1-412-858-4600

It is recommended that participants dial-in approximately 5 to 10 minutes prior to the start of the 4:30 p.m. call. A transcript archive and webcast of the event will be available for viewing or download on the Company web site shortly after the call is concluded.

About LightPath Technologies

LightPath Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: LPTH) provides optics and photonics solutions for the industrial, defense, telecommunications, testing and measurement, and medical industries. LightPath designs, manufactures, and distributes optical and infrared components including molded glass aspheric lenses and assemblies, infrared lenses and thermal imaging assemblies, fused fiber collimators, and gradient index GRADIUM® lenses. LightPath also offers custom optical assemblies, including full engineering design support.  For more information, visit

The discussions of our results as presented in this release include use of non-GAAP terms “EBITDA” and “gross margin.”  Gross margin is determined by deducting the cost of sales from operating revenue. Cost of sales includes manufacturing direct and indirect labor, materials, services, fixed costs for rent, utilities and depreciation, and variable overhead. Gross margin should not be considered an alternative to operating income or net income, which is determined in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”). The Company believes that gross margin, although a non-GAAP financial measure, is useful and meaningful to investors as a basis for making investment decisions. It provides investors with information that demonstrates cost structure and provides funds for our total costs and expenses. The Company uses gross margin in measuring the performance of its business and have historically analyzed and reported gross margin information publicly. Other companies may calculate gross margin in a different manner.

EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure used by management, lenders and certain investors as a supplemental measure in the evaluation of some aspects of a corporation's financial position and core operating performance. Investors sometimes use EBITDA as it allows for some level of comparability of profitability trends between those businesses differing as to capital structure and capital intensity by removing the impacts of depreciation, amortization, and interest expense. EBITDA also does not include changes in major working capital items such as receivables, inventory and payables, which can also indicate a significant need for, or source of, cash. Since decisions regarding capital investment and financing and changes in working capital components can have a significant impact on cash flow, EBITDA is not a good indicator of a business's cash flows. The Company uses EBITDA for evaluating the relative underlying performance of the Company's core operations and for planning purposes. The Company calculates EBITDA by adjusting net income or loss to exclude net interest expense, income tax expense or benefit, depreciation and amortization, thus the term "Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization" and the acronym "EBITDA."

The Company calculates Adjusted EBITDA by adjusting net income or loss to exclude net interest expense, income tax expense or benefit, depreciation and amortization, and the change in fair value of warrant liability, thus the term “Adjusted Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization” and the acronym “Adjusted EBITDA”.   Please refer to the EBITDA reconciliation provided in this press release.

This news release includes statements that constitute forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding our ability to expand our presence in certain markets, future sales growth, continuing reductions in cash usage and implementation of new distribution channels. This information may involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, factors detailed by LightPath Technologies, Inc. in its public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as required under the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, we do not have any intention or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Jim Gaynor, President & CEO                            Dorothy Cipolla, CFO                      Jordan Darrow
LightPath Technologies, Inc.                             LightPath Technologies, Inc.         Darrow Associates, Inc.
Tel: 407-382-4003                                                Tel: 407-382-4003 x305                 Tel:631-367-1866                                    
Web:                                  Web:    


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

TOMORROW! WiLO Student Chapter/CREOL Distinguished Seminar Series: “Endoscopes for optical coherence imaging and fluorescence spectroscopy: design and applications to cancer imaging” Jennifer K. Barton, Ph.D 5.6.15/11:00am-12:30pm/ CREOL RM 103

WiLO Student Chapter/CREOL Distinguished Seminar Series: “Endoscopes for optical coherence imaging and fluorescence spectroscopy: design and applications to cancer imaging” Jennifer K. Barton, Ph.D
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
CREOL Room 103

Following the lecture, WiLO is sponsoring an informal question and answer session where Dr. Barton will discuss her career path and experiences in the field of optics.

Celebrating the International Year of Light 2015

Jennifer Kehlet Barton, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Research, Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Optical Sciences, Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering, University of Arizona.

Light-based methods have found widespread application for biomedical diagnostics because of their inherent high sensitivity, high resolution, relatively low cost, and ability to sense both structural and biochemical characteristics. The primary disadvantage of most optical techniques in vivo is the limited penetration depth of light. This challenge can be offset by endoscopic delivery using small-diameter fiber optics. Optical techniques hold the promise of directing, minimizing, or perhaps even eliminating traditional destructive biopsy by providing diagnostic information in a harmless manner.
I will discuss experiences building miniature endoscopes that include two complimentary optical modalities: optical coherence tomography and fluorescence spectroscope (FS), which provide micron-scale cross-sectional imaging and information about the concentration and distribution of fluorescent biomolecules, respectively. The challenges of miniaturization, wide wavelength range, scanning, and navigation will be discussed. I will show progress on our recent projects in mouse models (monitoring colon cancer) and humans (least-invasive imaging of the ovary).

Jennifer Barton received the BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and University of California Irvine, respectively. She worked for McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) on the Space Station program before returning to The University of Texas at Austin to obtain the Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering in 1998. She is currently Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Optical Sciences, and Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering at the University of Arizona. In 2012 she became Associate Vice President for Research, and from July 2013 - June 2014 she served as Interim Vice President for Research. 
Barton develops miniature endoscopes that combine multiple optical imaging techniques, particularly optical coherence tomography and fluorescence spectroscopy. She evaluates the suitability of these endoscopic techniques for detecting early cancer development in patients and pre-clinical models. Additionally, her research into light-tissue interaction and dynamic optical properties of blood laid the groundwork for a novel therapeutic laser to treat disorders of the skin’s blood vessels. She has published over 90 peer-reviewed journal papers in these research areas. 
Barton previously was Assistant Director of the BIO5 Institute, a collaborative research institute dedicated to solving complex biology-based problems affecting humanity. She served as the inaugural Department Head of Biomedical Engineering and Chair of the BME Graduate Interdisciplinary Program. She is a fellow of SPIE- the International Optics Society, and a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.
Following the lecture from 12:00-12:30, WiLO is sponsoring an informal question and answer session where Dr. Bartonwill discuss her career path and experiences in the field of optics.

For additional information:
Dr. Bahaa Saleh
