Seminar: "Using Shock Tube and Time-Resolved Laser Diagnostics for Efficient Power Generation and Propulsion" by Dr. Subith S. Vasu
Friday, April 14, 2017 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
CREOL Room 103
CREOL Room 103
Dr. Subith S. Vasu
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department,
Center for Advanced Turbomachinery and Energy Research,
University of Central Florida
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department,
Center for Advanced Turbomachinery and Energy Research,
University of Central Florida
Today, combustion of fuels is responsible more than 70% of world’s electricity production and is the only solution for mass air and space transportation, and is expected to remain the same at least for the next 50 years. Combustion is the process of converting chemical energy to thermal energy at high temperatures and is a highly complex reacting problem involving coupled thermal, mass, and fluid transport. However, there is an increasing demand for better efficiency and reducing emissions due to dwindling energy resources and concerns with environmental impact of pollution. Therefore it is important to understand the details of these phenomena. UCF’s shock tube and novel laser diagnostic techniques are used to investigate to investigate various problems relevant to advanced combustion systems under practical conditions. The strategy of using shock tubes provide an ideal device for acquiring ignition delay times, species concentration time-histories, and reaction rates while laser-based diagnostic studies are non-intrusive, provide in-situ measurements (e.g., concentration of individual species including trace species, and temperature), and have fast-time response (micro-second). In addition to providing crucial knowledge about the reacting systems, measurements will provide critical validation targets for computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelers.
Dr. Subith Vasu, is an expert in combustion, diagnostics for combustion, fire, and emissions techniques with over ten years of experience in the field. His research group at is interested in studying oxidation and pyrolysis chemistry in gas-phase and heterogeneous catalytic systems, and modeling reaction systems. Also, his expertise and experience lies in the field of developing laser diagnostics to detect combustion (e.g., OH, H, CH4, fuel) and pollutant species (e.g., soot, CO2, CO, etc.), optimizing fuels (fossil, biofuels, etc.) with respect to their combustion and emission properties, and understanding, chemically reactive systems. Dr. Vasu is active in various professional services, has served as session chair in important technical meetings, is the author of more than 45 journal articles with an h-index of 16. He is also a reviewer for numerous journals and has been regularly invited to evaluate research proposals for DOE, AFOSR, NASA, and NSF. Currently he has ongoing projects funded by FAA, ACS, NASA, DOE, DoD and industry. Two of these are young investigator and equivalent awards: DTRA YIP 2015, ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator 2015. He became the fastest person (in 4 years) to win the 2016 UCF Reach for the Stars Award, which is the highest award given to early career faculty including both assistant and associate professors at UCF.
For additional information:
Bahaa E. A. Saleh
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